On the Road

Brownie Tips from the Road

So I am in Chapel Hill, NC, staying at the house of my good friend Jean Anderson while I am on book tour in her neck of the woods, and in the process of making brownies for my book signing tonight at Quail Ridge Books, I learned several new things.…


I learned how to make the best fried chicken ever at Martha Lou’s kitchen in Charleston. Learn more here.

A few years ago I learned how to make the best fried chicken ever at Martha Lou’s kitchen in Charleston, South Carolina. I checked and they are open! Marthalouskitchen.com.  If you can’t go there, check out this recipe and here is a link to the episode.


A Magic Place

For many years I have gone to the Lake Austin Spa Resort, right outside of Austin Texas, to conduct cooking demos. In exchange, they give me room and board and treat me well. At first I just did it for a lark. I thought, what the heck, take the husband…


When I was in Maine we ate at my cousins’ newest restaurant.

I had the tastiest meal at my cousins’ newest restaurant, Salt Pine Social, at 244 Front Street in Bath, Maine. Those are my cousins, Daphne Comaskey and Eloise Humphrey. They were already famous in Maine for their previous wonderful Mexican restaurant in Brunswick called El Camino (GQ awarded them best margarita in…


Another fave discovery from the Fancy Food Show, Callie’s Biscuits.

Another fave discovery from the Fancy Food Show, Callie’s Biscuits. Here are the Country Ham Biscuits and Spicy Pimento Cheese in the back. I actually met the founder/owner, Carrie Morey at the Charleston Food and Wine Festival. We were both judges for the biscuit competition, but I never got over…


I discovered my favorite new jam at the Grafton Food Festival in July.

Oh no, I am almost out of my favorite new jam, Raspberry Jam from Sidehill Farm in Vermont. I found it at the Grafton Food Festival in July. It tastes like essence of raspberry and is not too sweet.


On the Road: Here’s my Heritage Radio Interview from the Charleston Wine and Food Festival.

While I was at the Charleston Wine and Food Festival from March 3rd to 5th to do a demo and judge the biscuit battle, I was interviewed by Caity Moseman Wadler of Heritage Radio. We talked about “Home Cooking 101,” what I learned from Julia Child, and the changing food world. You can listen here.


On the Road: Our Anniversary Cruise on the Rhone River

I just took a river cruise in Provence with The Husband for our 35th Wedding Anniversary and it turned out to be the perfect way to celebrate the occasion. Come along as we explore this area of France and discover some amazing food. Hello from Lyon: We are excited to be in Lyon…


Our Anniversary Viking Cruise on the Rhone River

I just took a river cruise in Provence with The Husband for our 35th Wedding Anniversary and it turned out to be the perfect way to celebrate the occasion. Come along as we explore this area of France and discover some amazing food.     Day One: Hello From Lyon Yesterday marked the…


On Day 7, we explored Avignon but saved time for two amazing meals.

  Spent the day in Avignon, a medieval city surrounded by stone walls. For 70 years during the 14th Century, it displaced Rome as the papal seat of the Catholic Church. Today it is a modern city of rare charm, perhaps best known to outsiders as the home of the…


Last Day On The Ship

Arles was our final destination.  Best known as the inspiration for the several hundred canvases Van Gogh painted there in 1888 and 1889, this small city is sunny, cozy, and colorful.  Indeed, parts of it are unchanged since Van Gogh’s day and on the morning we visited we were duly…


Day Four; we are in Perouges.

Yesterday, after a quick walk in Lyon in search of cough drops for The Husband (he’s fighting a cold, poor guy), we came back to the ship for lunch.  The centerpiece was the most delicious garlic soup. It was garnished with chopped hard-cooked egg white and caramelized garlic chips.  It…


Day Six on the River.

The river took us today to the mountain town of Tournon Sur Rhone, where we boarded a locomotive straight out of “Death Valley Days” and chugged off into the mountains surrounding the Doux River.  This is rugged country – wine country — green, rocky, and utterly beautiful.  The air was…


It’s Day 5 and we follow Thomas Jefferson’s footsteps in the small town of Vienne.

  Got up bright and early to check out Vienne, a perfect little gem of a city, population 30,000, whose roots go back to the Roman era.  Two thousand years later, one of its enduring attractions is the Temple of Augustus and Livia, a magnificent ruin in the center of…


Today we boarded our ship, the Viking Heimdal, and then checked out the local foods at Les Halles in Lyon.

We boarded our ship, the Viking Heimdal, docked on the River Rhone in Lyon, settled in our cozy little room with a balcony where I plan to spend a lot of time   and got ready to sail this morning to Macon.  The plan was scrapped though, thanks to some kind…


Day 2 and 3 in Lyon.

Day 2 and 3 in Lyon.  On the way back to the Carlton Hotel after our dinner at La Tassée – The Husband was knocked out by his rognons – we were hanging out by the fountains in the Place de la Republique when our attention was arrested by a…


Hello from Lyon!

Yesterday marked the 35th anniversary since the day The Husband and I tied the knot. I know – 35 years! I can’t tell you where the time went, but I can tell that the two of us have snuck away to Lyon to celebrate. We went there for the first…


Too Many Tomatoes

I never thought I could have too many tomatoes in my house. And I mean the summer time- grown at a local farmer’s market -or in your back yard -kind of tomato. But that is the state I find myself in right now. We are on vacation at my parent’s…


The Orange County Fair

Two weekends ago I went to my first ever county fair. I really did not know that this kind of old fashioned America still existed (I’m too much of a city kid!) and I have to say I was delighted. There was a big ferris wheel towering over the whole…


Taste of Dallas

I did two food demos at the Taste of Dallas a couple of weeks ago and found the crowd quite lively despite the humid hot weather. It appeared that everyone in the crowd came from Texas and at least half from Dallas itself (unlike my audience in Atlanta where not…


Miracle Fruit

Several years ago I was in West Palm Beach Florida for a Gourmet magazine sales meeting staying at the Four Seasons Hotel. I just happened to know the chef, Hubert des Marais, from several projects we had worked on together and the first moment I had a break I sought…
