Posts by joanne


My guest for Episode 119 of my show is Jasper White, a long time friend from Boston. Although he and I have never worked together, we have many connections. One of his early chef partners was Lydia Shire, my first chef on my first job at the Harvest Restaurant in…


Gourmet's New Cookie Book

It’s always time to bake cookies and if you caught me on the NBC Today Show when I  showed lots of delicious options from the new Gourmet Cookie Book you know just where to start. Here is a link to that segment and the Polish Apricot-filled Cookie recipe that I…


Gourmet’s New Cookie Book

It’s always time to bake cookies and if you caught me on the NBC Today Show when I  showed lots of delicious options from the new Gourmet Cookie Book you know just where to start. Here is a link to that segment and the Polish Apricot-filled Cookie recipe that I…


Recipes: How to find the recipes from my show.

Hunting for the recipes from my TV show, Sara’s Weeknight Meals? I still get lots of e-mails asking for the recipes from my show and wanted to let you know that they are all right on this site 24/7. Just select “Shows” in the menu under the title at the…


Clams: How do you store and clean clams?

Bob e-mailed the Kitchen Shrink to find out how to store and clean shellfish such as clams before cooking. It is best to purchase clams just before cooking them so there should be little storage to worry about. Clams are purchased alive and must be kept alive. If you do…


Cookbook: How to Write Your Own Family Cookbook

Several weeks ago Susan e-mailed me to ask how to get a cookbook published. This is a question that I get frequently and here is how I answered her. “I don’t know what to tell you. Publishing cookbooks the traditional way is a dying template. If you are the hottest…


Tripe: How do you cook tripe?

Last week Randy asked me this about tripe,  “I see this all of the time in the grocery store and I have to be honest, while it sort of scares me, it also fascinates me. Is there a way to cook this so that is actually tastes good? Is it…


Tomatoes: What is the best way to store fresh tomatoes?

Molly e-mailed the Kitchen Shrink that she had just harvested a lot of tomatoes from her garden and wondered what is the best way store them until she can use or process them. Freshly picked tomatoes should be stored in a single layer, stem-side up, in a fairly cool location…


Sweetener: What is Simple Syrup and How Do You Make It?

Terri recently e-mailed me to ask “What is Simple Syrup and how do you use it?” My favorite recipe for lemonade immediately came to mind (You’ll find it in Sara Moulton Cooks at Home.) and here is my answer. Simple syrup is an old-fashioned secret for sweetening things such as…


Herbs and Spices: What are the basic herbs and spices I should have on hand?

This week I got an e-mail from Rich saying, “My brother inherited Grandpa and Grandma’s house. He cooks, but they had no spices in the house. What are the basics he should have in his kitchen for simple, but exciting meals? I would greatly appreciate your comments!” I have often…
