…New York City; Grant Barrett and Martha Barnette of “A Way With Words” reveal the surprising origin of the word “cocktail”; and J.M. Hirsch offers an innovative mixology tip. https://www.177milkstreet.com/radio/welcome-to-our-cocktail-hour-bourbon-myths-martini-crawls-and-mixology-tips…
Screenshot You can check out the whole magazine here: https://www.powerwoe.com/power-magazine-summer-2024-issue/…
…Aleksandra Crapanzano provides tips for effortlessly Parisian cakes; Alex Aïnouz puts a very French spin on the classic American burger; and we learn how to make Chickpea Flour Flatbread. https://www.177milkstreet.com/radio/vive-la-france-jacques-p%C3%A9pin-parisian-cakes-and-bourguignon-burgers…
…the dairy industry is trying to do about it; Alex Aïnouz pursues perfect creme brûlée; and we learn to make a vegetarian Carbonara where you won’t miss the meat. https://www.177milkstreet.com/radio/rent-a-falcon-save-your-vineyard-the-new-airborne-security-guards-1…
…Chris Calkins invents new cuts of steaks, and Dan Pashman wonders if the food tech takeover is actually a bust. Finally, we share a recipe for the pope’s spaghetti. https://www.177milkstreet.com/radio/refrigerator-revolution-the-surprising-art-of-keeping-cool…