Posts by moulton

Butter Steamed Broccoli with Soy Sauce

This is a quick and easy way to cook broccoli in a large skillet. Try this method with any of your favorite vegetables.  Makes 4 servings Hands-on time: 10 minutes Total preparation time: 16 minutes 1 large head broccoli 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 tablespoon soy sauce Kosher salt and…


The view through the window of a miniature hunting lodge.

And where is that miniature hunting lodge? In the Musee de la Chasse et de la Nature, in the Marais section of Paris:https://www.chassenature.org/ The husband and I checked it out when were were visiting in April. Here is the bunk room: and the outside: cozy, don’t you think?


Milk Street Radio: Dining Disasters and Crazy Chefs

This week, we share stories from the world of fine dining. Maître d’ Michael Cecchi-Azzolina has encounters with mobsters, fainting celebrities and unruly guests at New York’s top restaurants and reveals the secrets to great service. Writer Geraldine DeRuiter sits down for the world’s strangest Michelin-starred meal: She eats rancid…


Fried Pizza? Oh Yes!!!!!

One of the places we visited when we were shooting Season 12 of Sara’s Weeknight Meals was Naples and what do you eat when you are in Naples? Pizza of course. It is the home of pizza. But, I had never tasted this fried version and I have to say…


Smoked Trout on Grilled Bread

This is a substantial hors d’oeuvre  which can play the role of entrée if you combine it with a few other hors d’oeuvre or side dishes. And the best part is that it only takes 15 minutes to make.  Make 4 servings, a scant 2 cups Hands-on time: 15 minutes…


Milk Street Radio: Tomato Sauce Cooked One Thousand Times

Literary scholar Rebecca May Johnson earned her PhD studying Homer’s Odyssey, but now she’s analyzing a new kind of text: Marcella Hazan’s tomato sauce recipe. Johnson reveals how studying a recipe isn’t all that different from studying Ancient Greek, and what you can learn from cooking the same recipe a…


Here is a Cool Hack I Learned

When I was aboard Vista, Oceania’s newest ship, taking one of their very excellent cooking classes, I learned this little trick: when you are making an individual cake in a ramekin, butter the ramekin well, line it with two long strips of parchment so they are sticking out and then,…


Here is my Crazy Camera Crew in Rome

That is Natalie Gustafson, my producer partner on “Sara’s Weeknight Meals,” sandwiched between Paolo on the left, Federico and then Simone on the the right. You do not see the rest of the team in the this photo: Mario and Malou, who are setting up the shot. Oh, how I…


Antipasto Salad with Parmigiano-Reggiano Dressing

  Photo by Jessica Leibowitz This is the perfect lazy-day summer salad, since you don’t have to use the oven. You could buy the blanched broccoli or cauliflower and prepared pasta salad at the salad bar and never even turn on the stovetop. But this salad would be equally good…


Snapshots From My Travels: Corsica

Here is the view walking along the edge of the sea in Ajaccio, the capital of Corsica, a French island in the Mediterranean and the birthplace of Napoleon. The water is so many colors of blue! Corsica is the fourth largest island (after Sicily, Sardinia, and Cyprus) in the Mediterranean. It lies…
