Calling all New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut cooks!

I’m looking for someone to come on my show, “Sara’s Weeknight Meals,” to cook their favorite original (or handed down through the family) weeknight entrée or meal.  If you live in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut, please send me that recipe along with a brief bio and your contact info to sarasweeknightmeals@gmail.com and we will let you know by early August if you have been chosen to come cook with me.410-show-410-opening-shot-280x373

One Response to Calling all New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut cooks!

  1. Let me know if you need one from Ohio… Hoping to see you Sept 22nd at Cooks Wares if I’m fast enough to claim a ticket. If not, then I will be there to buy a book and hope for an autograph from you… Thank You Sara, God Bless….

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