Egg Cream

Last Updated on March 4, 2016

DSC_1271Note: if you want more of a chocolate milk with bubbles add the higher amount of milk, if you want more of a chocolate seltzer, add more of the seltzer

Makes 1 drink

1/4 to 1/2 cup cold whole milk
2/3 to 1 cup soda stream seltzer
2 tablespoons chocolate syrup (the classic is U Bet but Hersheys is fine too)

Pour cold milk into a tall soda glass. Add seltzer carefully and slowly (it bubbles up so be careful to make sure it does not go over the top) to within 1 inch of the top of the glass; stir vigorously with a long spoon (which will create significant foam). Very gently stir 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup slowly down the inside of the glasses; stir well with a long spoon at the bottom of the glass where the chocolate has landed. The resulting drink should have a dark brown bottom and a 1-inch high pure foam top. Don’t over mix or the foam will disappear.


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Food Provided by: Citarella Markets | Kitchen Equipment provided by: VIKING RANGE LLC | Boos Block Cutting Boards | Casabella | Chantal | Dream Farm | Le Creuset | OXO | Silpat | SwissMar |

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