Sara's Secrets is now airing on the Cooking Channel

Cooking ChannelMy old Food Network Show, “Sara’s Secrets,” is now airing on the new Cooking Channel which launched several months ago. “Sara’s Secrets” is on every morning, Monday through Friday at 7AM. The Cooking Channel (managed by the same folks that own Food Network) will replace the Fine Living Channel. So you will find The Cooking Channel on the same stations that you used to find The Fine Living Channel.

10 Responses to Sara's Secrets is now airing on the Cooking Channel

  1. Don Domingo says:

    ” Can’t wait to watch it ” Coooooooooool!

  2. Derrik says:

    Thank God for chefs like you who well lend their time and skill to help the average Home Cook.

  3. Hello

    Is there any content on this channel that is from Canada?

    I look forward to watching it myself and love to learn more about the programing

    Take care and love your concepts

  4. thea ebert says:

    I am so glad to have you back! Please stay on and don’t leave. I learned more and enjoyed both Sara’s Secrets and Sara’s Weeknight Meals so much. Good to have you back.

  5. Linda R says:

    Yessssss !!! Great to have you back on the tube !

  6. carole says:

    I am so glad to see you back. i love your show

  7. This is exciting news! I’ve totally added it to my DVR list.

  8. Arleen says:

    WELCOME BACK!!!!! My husband and I were just commenting that we never see Sara Moulton anymore. We totally enjoy your cooking and are educated everytime we watch!!!

  9. Lisa says:

    I am trying to find the recipe for seared beef in broth with wasabi cream on your web site. Can you help?

  10. So glad you are back. Hope that I can find you on my programming. Really happy that you’ve stayed true to real cuisine and weren’t tempted to host some stupid Food Network competition/reality cooking show. Kudos to you!

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