My Travels

I Learned How to Make A Layered Drink!

In the culinary center on Marina, my Oceania cruise ship where we are traveling and shooting season 13 of “Sara’s Weeknight Meals.” I feel so accomplished!!! The drink is called The Galway Blazer “Fence Reducer.” I think I have to shoot a “how to” video of this drink when I…


Sagrada Familia at Night

Here is a view of Gaudi’s famous (unfinished) church in Barcelona at night as seen from our deck at our VRBO apartment. It is reminiscent of a Superman movie, don’t you think?


Who Knew There Were Yellow Pumpkins?

When we were at my family’s farmhouse in mid October The Husband and I went to our favorite local farm stand and look what we found. Apparently they come in pink too!


What Was My Favorite Pizza in Naples?

We spent time in May in Naples shooting three different iconic pizzerias for “Sara’s Weeknight Meals,” and I loved them all, but my favorite?? Well, the deep fried version of course. It consisted of two rounds of dough sandwiched with guanciale, pancetta, provolone, fresh ricotta and a touch of marina,…


I Had the Best Tour of Naple’s Pizzerias with This Flavorful Local

In May, when I was in Italy shooting season 12 of “Sara’s Weeknight Meals,” I was given a tour of three of the top pizzerias in Naples (the original home of pizza) by this jolly fellow named Amedeo Colella. He works for a company called “Culinary Backstreets Naples” and on…


Guess Who I Just Had Lunch With?

Here I am with some legendary restaurateurs and chefs after lunch at Magnolia Restaurant in Keswick Virginia- from top left: one of my dearest friends, Maria Reuge, originally an editor at Gourmet Magazine and later, co owner of Mirabelle restaurant in St James, Long Island, Moi, Maryvonne Gasparini (co owner…


Fresh Chickpeas are So Tasty!!

Just visited the Bellwood Drive-In Flea on Jefferson Davis Hwy, near Richmond Virginia which is more of a clothing and produce market than a flea market, but oh what amazing produce at amazing prices did we find – including these fresh chickpeas in the pod. You can eat them raw…


Sunset on the Maine Coast

Just got back from a lovely visit with my sister and brother in law in southern Maine. We sat out at the end of every day, drank wine and witnessed this kind of show every night, which changed from minute to minute, only getting better.


Painting Corner

When I was visiting my sister in Maine we set ourselves up to paint watercolors at this new table my brother in law built in their cottage. It was the perfect cozy spot with the perfect light and view.


Two Versions of the Giverny Water Lilies

Here are the actual water lilies which I got to visit when I was in France in April: And here is my very rustic watercolor version of them:


Giverny in April

The Husband and I went on a trip to France this last April (a trip postponed 3 times due to covid!) and we got to visit Monet’s home/art studio, Giverny in Northern France. Here are the famous water lilies that he painted larger than life on continuous panels. And here…


The view through the window of a miniature hunting lodge.

And where is that miniature hunting lodge? In the Musee de la Chasse et de la Nature, in the Marais section of Paris:https://www.chassenature.org/ The husband and I checked it out when were were visiting in April. Here is the bunk room: and the outside: cozy, don’t you think?
