Ask the Kitchen Shrink!

It’s time for summer entertaining and I just wanted to remind you that over the years the Kitchen Shrink has answered many of the questions you might encounter in planning and preparing your special menus–and the answers are all here on this site 24/7. Just select Kitchen Shrink in the menu at the top of the home page and click on a category or check out all the entries. If the answer to your question isn’t there, e-mail me (kitchenshrink@saramoulton.jpdbox.com) and I will answer you.

2 Responses to Ask the Kitchen Shrink!

  1. Ronnie Brown says:

    I’m a 74 year old grandmother who has been making The Settlement Cookbook’s almond bread slices, or mandlebrot, with a few alterations for many years. Recently, I made them and they seemed bitter. I threw them out thinking I had not measure something correctly and remade them being sure to smell all the ingredients I had used. Again, they were somewhat off taste or bitter. In all my years of cooking and baking, I have never had a “kitchen mystery” like this! Have you ever had this happen or do you have any idea what could have gone wrong? Thank you so much! This is our favorite cookie or treat!

    • moulton says:

      I am not familiar with that recipe but I imagine it has almonds in it and it is possible that the almonds you are using are old and are rancid which could have made the mandlebrot taste bitter.

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