Herbed Lamb and Feta Burgers

Last Updated on July 14, 2019

Herbed Lamb and Feta BurgersMakes 6 Servings
Hands-On Time: 25 Minutes
Total Preparation Time: 25 Minutes

1 medium onion
3 T extra virgin olive oil
2 cooked lamb chop portions (reserved from
 Grilled Lamb Chops with Steak Butter)
2 T fresh oregano or basil leaves
4 oz feta cheese
1 large egg

3/4 c plain dry bread crumbs
1/4 t freshly ground black pepper

Suggested Accompaniments

Cucumber and tomato salad
Tzatziki (cucumber and yogurt salad)

1. Chop the onion (about 1 cup). Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat until hot. Reduce the heat to medium-low; add the onion and cook for 5 minutes or until it has softened. Transfer the onion to a small bowl and set it aside to cool slightly. Reserve the skillet.
2. Meanwhile, cut the lamb off the bone, discarding the bone, and cut the meat into 1-inch pieces. Transfer the pieces to a food processor fitted with the chopping blade; add the oregano and pulse 6 to 8 times until the meat is chopped into mediumfine pieces.
3. Finely crumble the feta (about 1 cup). Beat the egg lightly in a medium bowl; stir in the lamb mixture, 1/4 cup bread crumbs, the onion, cheese, and pepper, Shape the mixture into 6 burgers. The burgers will be soft and a little wet.
4. Spread out the remaining 1/2 cup bread crumbs in a pie plate or soup plate. Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil in the reserved large skillet over medium heat until hot. Gently dip the burgers into the bread crumbs to coat them lightly on all sides; shake off any excess crumbs. Add the burgers to the
skillet and cook for 3 minutes per side, or until golden and heated through. Serve right away.

Cook’s Notes
My absolutely favorite tool, next to my chef’s knife, is a bench scraper. A bench scraper is a tool designed to scrape up dough from the counter when you are making pastry or bread. One day after I had chopped a bunch of vegetables and attempted to transport them to a pot on a burner, by shoveling them on to the side of my knife, leaving a trail of vegetables from the cutting board to the stove, I thought, there has got to be a better way. Well a metal bench scraper is the answer. Many kitchenware stores carry them (and they are cheap – good stocking present!)

You can use any leftover piece of cooked protein to make these burgers – chicken, steaks, boneless pork chops, even shrimp – so the next time you are making dinner, cook a little extra protein (you will need 12 ounces or three quarters of a pound for this recipe)


3 Responses to Herbed Lamb and Feta Burgers

  1. Frank Rogers says:

    Sarah uses a very large Bench Scraper. I must have one. What is the name on the scraper? I know it started with a “W” but missed the entire name.


  2. Nancy E Ruggiano says:

    Sarah always love your recipes, been watching you for years..

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