Search Results for "kitchen shrink"

Leavening: What is the difference between baking powder and baking soda?

A new baker recently asked me, “What is the difference between baking powder and baking soda? When do you use each of these two ingredients?” Both baking powder and baking…


Artichokes: How do you cook artichokes?

“How do you cook artichokes?” I have been asked that so frequently that I included my favorite way in Sara Moulton Cooks at Home. I always steam whole artichokes rather…


Pumpkins: How do you cook a pumpkin?

Pumpkins can be peeled, cubed, and boiled or steamed, but because they are very hard to cut when they are raw and very easy to handle once they are cooked,…


Turkey: Where can I learn how to carve a turkey?

One of the questions I frequently get at this time of year is, “Where can I find out how to carve a turkey?” I have lots of information on the…


Shallots and Onions: Can they be interchanged?

There are many varieties of both shallots and onions within the species Allium cepa. They vary in appearance in that shallots grow in clusters attached at the bottom and each…


Rice: How do you cook rice?

A while ago I got an e-mail from Brent asking, “How long do you cook rice?” I thought I would just send him a link to my recipe for cooking…


Here is a Cool Hack I Learned

When I was aboard Vista, Oceania’s newest ship, taking one of their very excellent cooking classes, I learned this little trick: when you are making an individual cake in a…
