Brussels Sprouts Sauteed with Pancetta and Balsamic

Photo by Jessica Liebowitz

If you are a Brussels sprouts hater this recipe will turn you into a believer. The trouble with the usual cooking methods for Brussels sprouts –boiling, steaming, even sautéing- is that by the time the center of this tiny cabbage cousin becomes tender it has also unfortunately become funky smelling and tasting. But when you shred and quickly sauté it you completely lose the funk factor and discover what a delicious little vegetable it is.

Makes 4 servings
Hands- on time: 10 minutes
Total preparation time: 20 minutes

1 ½ pounds Brussels sprouts
2 ounces pancetta or bacon
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

Trim the Brussels sprouts and discard any damaged outside leaves. Shred the sprouts using the slicing disk of a food processor (about 8 cups shredded). Finely chop the pancetta (about 1 cup – it’s easier to chop if you pop the pancetta in the freezer for 15 minutes first).

Heat the vegetable oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add the pancetta and cook, stirring often, 3 to 5 minutes or until very lightly browned. Add the sprouts and cook, stirring, 3 to 5 minutes or until tender. Add the vinegar and increase the heat to high. Season with salt and pepper and stir until the vinegar has evaporated. Serve hot.

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