Five Acres Farms

I attended the Fancy Food Show last week and discovered several quality products and companies that I had not been aware of. One of them was Five Acres Farms. I was particularly smitten with their whole milk buttermilk and Kefir drinks. I was delighted to find out that they are sold in Fairway, Dagostinos, and several other suprmarkets in New York City. The company is based in Brooklyn:

Here is their mission statement: Five Acre Farms brings the best-tasting local food to grocery stores, restaurants and food shops. We find outstanding farmers using sustainable practices, pay them fairly and tell their stories. Focused on dairy, our products are milk, half & half, heavy cream, buttermilk, yogurt, kefir, cage free eggs, apple juice, apple sauce and seasonal apple cider. Everything is sourced and produced within 275 miles of NYC.

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