Gloria recently e-mailed the Kitchen Shrink to ask if she could freeze leftover buttermilk, thaw and use some, and refreeze the remainder. While buttermilk producers suggest that you not freeze buttermilk for best flavor and texture, when wasting it is the only other option, I suggest that you go ahead and freeze it for use in baked products. It will separate when thawed but can be reconstituted by whisking or a quick whiz in a blender. However, do not thaw it, use some, and refreeze it as the additional time at medium temperature allows for greater bacterial growth. If you freeze one- or two-tablespoons in individual ice cube trays then store in the freezer in a zippered plastic bag or even freeze 1/4-cup amounts in small containers you can thaw just what you need for a recipe and none will be wasted.
I have frozen buttermilk and use it to soak chicken in for frying.
Would be great if buttermilk was also packaged in small 8oz containers. I use to make homemade creme fraiche and only needed 3 Tbsp . So fried chicken it is…..
Can you freeze container of buttermilk that has never been opened. Hard to find plain old buttermilk. Everything on selves in five stores visited is low fat buttermilk. Two different tastes…
No, buttermilk does not freeze well. There is a powdered version of buttermilk that you could keep in the cupboard and use when you need it. Also, most buttermilk has the same butterfat content as skim or 1% milk.