Brussels Sprouts: What is the best way to cook Brussels Sprouts?

Theresa e-mailed the Kitchen Shrink that the Brussels sprouts in the market look especially good this year but she doesn’t know how to cook them so that her family will like them.

Too many people have memories of Brussels sprouts that have been boiled until they are gray. There are a number of ways to cook Brussels sprouts with delicious results as long as you cook them until they are crisp-tender and still bright green. I wasn’t a fan of Brussels sprouts until Sue Fenniger and Mary Sue Milliken made Quick Sautéed Shredded Brussels Sprouts on one of my shows. You’ll find that recipe on page 243 of my first book, Sara Moulton Cooks at Home. They shred the sprouts and stir-fry them but you can trim and halve them then sauté, stir-fry, or deep fry them quickly for equally good results. You can also toss trimmed halved or whole Brussels sprouts in olive oil or butter and kosher salt and roast them until they just begin to feel tender. Small Brussels sprouts can be trimmed, shredded, and served raw with an oil and vinegar dressing.

One Response to Brussels Sprouts: What is the best way to cook Brussels Sprouts?

  1. Heidi Goff says:

    Hi Sara!
    Quite a few years ago, you published a brussels sprouts recipe that was so simple and became a staple for our family Christmas dinner. I don’t remember, nor do I have, the original recipe. Basically it was to shred the sprouts, saute in butter, toss in some balsamic and a couple of handfuls of parmesan. Yum.
    My husband and I were at foodie event in NYC and had our picture taken with you. We had our Christmas brunch this morning and ‘the grandkids’ who now have kids of their own talk about ‘Sara Sprouts’. Happy New Year. Our family hopes your family is well.

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